Monday, February 11, 2013

YONAS on "The Black Canvas"

Saw this post today on YONAS' Facebook and couldn't help but to share it with everyone! Check the picture out above or you can see the full quote below:

What does the black canvas mean?: "The black canvas to me, is a metaphor for struggle. While traditionally canvas's are an off white color (meant to compliment all the different potential paint colors an artist might use) the black canvas is one that starts out dark. To me it represents someone being born into a dark situation, and having to create the light and optimism in their lives. If the whole world consisted of painters, the ones given a black canvas, are the ones given a disadvantage. But still we rise." - YONAS

Also, if you haven't already, check out The Black Canvas below and enjoy the mastery!

- TD O_o

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